Mitt Romney is the Ronald Reagan of Our Time
So why is it that I call Mitt Romney the Ronald Reagan of our time? Because he represents all three groups of the conservative Republican base: the Social conservatives, the defense conservatives and the economic conservatives. I am excited about what Mitt Romney can do with America. Senator Jim DeMint was interviewed today on NPR. He too is excited about what Mitt Romney can accomplish in Washington. A true outsider, just like Reagan, Romney owes no favors (just look at McCain with all of his endorsement baggage piling up).
Joshua Trevino writes: CNN has the exit-poll numbers, and they reveal some surprising things:
Romney won pro-lifers.
Romney won the mainstream religious. (Huckabee won the very religious less than one-fifth of the pool.)
Romney won the Protestants.
Romney tied Huckabee with Evangelicals.
Romney won the pro-GWB voters.
Romney is the primary second choice of Giuliani voters, Thompson voters …. and McCain voters.
Romney won the immigration hard-liners.
Romney won the upper-middle class, earning between $100,000 and $200,000 annually.
Romney won the terrorism-oriented voters.
Romney won the self-identified conservatives and the self-identified very conservative.
Romney won the values-oriented voters.
Romney won the tax-cutting voters.
Now I won't say, "My friends" with the sarcasm displayed by John McCain yesterday, but I will say, Fellow Americans - Mitt Romney has the poise, the leadership, and the tempered demeanor to be a President and Commander in Chief. John McCain displays the one style old "bossing people around" leadership practice (I'll be posting more about that soon) while Mitt Romney represents the new adaptive participative leadership style. I can tell you that Mitt Romney will get more done in Washington than John McCain has in his 22+ years in the Senate!!!
Rally to Romney, the Ronald Reagan of our time.
You can find out more about Mitt Romney by learning about his positions: Check out this book that summarizes Romney's positions.
Presidential Debate January 30, 2008 Reagan Library
Here are my notes from the debate; I missed the first half hour.
They are all Federalists, in other words they think each state has the freedom to experiment. (McCain looks like a small man sitting next to Romney)
Huckabee on the Economy: Question about using money for highways sounds like a Democratic plan. Again mentioned parents not getting home to soccer games (as if that is a government concern).
Romney disses the Big Dig in MA. (I bet MA residents liked that.)
Ron Paul doesn't like the idea of borrowing money from China. (I agree, however, Market Place talked about the reliance between China and the US on borrowing)
McCain asked a question about the economy. (Twirling his pen, is he nervous about this question?) Blah, blah, blah, one page mortgage paper, fix rating system. (Yeah right.)
(It's interesting to me that Romney always pays attention to the others as they speak. McCain on the other hand looks like an arrogant, smug jerk.)
McCain asked about opposing the tax cuts originally because they favored the rich. Now he has flip flopped and claims it was because of spending. (So much for Straight Talk Express, what a joke.)
Romney asked about economy. I doubt many people understood this comment, but it actually makes a lot of sense. Romney explains McCain's ideas about stopping spending are basically nickel and dimes. The US economy spends 60% of the money on entitlement programs like Medicare and Medicaid, 20% on the military, and 20% is discretionary spending. The biggest impact we can have is by tackling the 60% spending on entitlement programs. (That makes so much sense! Romney is definitely a smart man.)
Huckabee says he will have a fence built within 18 months.
Romney on immigration. No amnesty, no special path way to citizenship. Illegal immigration those recently arrived head home; kid in school? give them time to finish school then head on home; others with commitments, give them time then have them gather up their belongings and head on home to get in line. Prolegal immigration, they are a valuable source of vitality for America. (Lots of applause)
McCain on border security, would he vote for his bill if it came to the senate floor. POLITICAL SPEAK McCain dodged the question. Flip flopper McCain - either his original idea was stupid, or he has changed his position. Then he talks using "we" instead of standing up for his stupid idea and admitting guilt. What a flip flopper. "We are all committed" McCain says. What a joke, Straight Talk Express plunges off the tracks and blows up in the valley.
Huckabee mentioned about everyone being equal. He mentioned fetuses, humans, but left out religion. He lost an opportunity to appease some fears about him. He also dodges every question presented to him. "I am not going to say anything about Reagan."
Everybody was basically the same on Judges - EXCEPT McCain who talked about all the favors he owes to his "good" friend O'Conner. This guy is a political snake.
Romney Question did George Bush destroy the Republican Party? I think the party is better off. I blame Washington, they overspent, and they didn't keep their promises. (Note McCain rubs his hands with a weasely look on his face as Romney talks about the military). Romney is appealing to Social, Economic, and Family Value conservatives.
Back and forth about the Timetables.
McCain comment about timetables. He smirks and looks self righteous.
Romney I have never supported time tables for withdrawal. McCain smirks again. (Well excuse Romney for not knowing your Washington speak! McCain is looking like a freaking jerk! He is bumbling his words and sounds a bit crazy, "If we had lain in the weeds until they had gone." What the hey? McCain is babbling.)
McCain says, "Of course, he said their should be a withdrawal." "I'm the expert on what you said." (McCain is an arrogant son of a gun. He's flip flopping and incoherent, not only that McCain is smiling like a village idiot. Just like someone that can't solve problems, McCain blasts out three quick attacks on Romney. Straight Talk Express slams off the bridge and plunges hundreds of feet into the raging river.)
Romney says McCain is Washington style old politics (I'll be posting my old leadership style verse new leadership style essay soon.) I loved Romney's comment, "[McCain] you got three Pinocchio for your mischaracterization from the Washington Post".
(I've got to take a break and shout McCain is a freaking smug guy!)
McCain - attacks Romney again about his success. "My friend, Huckabee will agree with me about your money.”Vote for me McCain, I want 100 years in Iraq!"
Paul puts McCain and Romney in the same boat with respect to Iraq. They both want to get the job done there.
Huckabee If Iraq fails it will create a vacuum there that could be used by Al Qaeda.
McCain "Protecting America's interest it’s not about casualties." Huh? McCain claims he came up with the Petraeus strategy. (What an egomaniac.)
Huckabee "I look at the actions rather than what they are saying."
Romney There are four major strategies in the world today: 1. Those countries that control energy like Russia, 2. China communism and a wild west free enterprise, 3. Al Qaeda, 4. Free enterprise and free individuals the USA.
McCain on leadership and management. I know how to lead, vision knowledge, background. 20 years on security committees (doesn't this mean that McCain is partially to blame for 9/11 - he sucks at making good security measures)
Romney McCain would not be good for the economy. Governors are leaders. Legislators are committee members. Leaders are small business, middle sized business - they are leaders not just managers. Govern in charge of National Guard and state police.
Romney the problems facing a commander of chief does not require service in the military. Foreign policy and military is no longer like a checkers game, it is more like three dimensional chess. McCain thinks its checkers. Romney has the capacity to think in the manner of chess.
McCain Starts with what looks like a compliment then turns it into a dig against Romney (McCain is such a double talking politician. The Straight Talk Express drives off the end of the tracks and explodes.) McCain says he hopes people will judge him by those that have endorsed him (that would be liberal newspapers and a cross dressing Rudy).
Huckabee political speak genius. Agrees with Romney that a governor is a better leader than a senator.
Romney thinks Reagan would support him.
McCain hits at Romney with his first statement again (what a loser, he looks like an angry little man)
Paul kind of impressive talk there. Liked the gold standard.
Huckabee just called the other candidates arrogant and presumptuous for thinking Reagan would support any of them. (What a politician, the guy is just like McCain - political speak champions)
At the end I noticed two things about the cameras:
1. Huckabee's wife is as tall as Arnold
2. Little camera time given to Romney, mostly on Huckabee and McCain.
Concluding thoughts: I am ticked off at McCain! The straight talk express is a bunch of garbage. John McCain showed himself to be a pig headed jerk. Digging Romney at every comment. What a smug jerk.
McCain: Shifting American Politics to the Left - MSM Loving it!
[McCain] said he was quoting Romney as favoring a "timetable" for withdrawal and argued that he was not misquoting Romney, saying, "Clearly, the impression was that he was ready to set a date for withdrawal." But Romney quotes circulated by McCain's campaign didn't show Romney making that exact comment _ nor did aides back up McCain's earlier comment that suggested that Romney "wanted to set a date for withdrawal." See the Huffington Post.
In doing so, [McCain] relies on a statement which cannot fairly be construed as advocating withdrawal. This is the conclusion of virtually everyone who has looked at the issue, except for some of McCain’s supporters. McCain, in short, has smeared Romney. See Paul Mirengoff.
John McCain today flat-out lied about Gov. Romney's position on the troop "surge," etc. This is no surprise. McCain's "straight talk express" has been anything but straight for quite some time now. He has been making false claims about what his position on immigration was just last summer. He has been making false claims about why he opposed Bush's tax cuts. He has been making false claims about Romney's stance on "torture." He has made misleading (not exactly false, but certainly misleading) representations about Giuliani's position on the line item veto. He has misrepresented his helpfulness on judicial nominations. And I know I am forgetting some of the other things he has not been exactly straight about. See Quin Hillyer.
Since McCain and his surrogates insist on making this a big issue, let's engage them. They are dissembling about what Romney said. I have provided quotes below. We have now heard from Woolsey, who is repeating the disinformation. And we have now viewed the video-tape, which clears Romney of the allegation, i.e., he did not call for a specific time to withdraw our troops. Now, if this is the big bombshell the McCain campaign is using in the days before the Florida vote (albeit people are casting votes throughout via absentee ballots), it's pretty disgraceful stuff. See Mark Levin.
Yeah, pretty egregious [of McCain]. [Romney] never said he “wanted” to withdraw or that he wanted a date set, and it’s patently clear he doesn’t want any timetables publicly announced. See Allahpundit.
It’s a reminder — like the McCain campaign’s dishonest line of attack this weekend — that as admirable McCain is as both a hero and a politician, he is not irreproachable even on national-security issues. McCain is fond of saying he’d rather lose a political campaign than a war; he now seems to be swimming close to using the war to win a political campaign in the most dishonest of ways. It’s conduct unbecoming a man we all respect. See Kathryn Jean Lopez.
Then he was asked to justify his contention that Romney once supported a withdrawal timetable for Iraq. (I wrote this morning that McCain "stretched" history with the remark, and a few moments before this particular question received a stern talking to by two McCain aides and one reporter.) See Marc Ambinder.
This is a fundamentally dishonest attack. One of the reasons why some Republicans who have opposed McCain over issues like the BCRA and immigration have tried to keep a civil tongue in discussing McCain is because of the respect he has earned as a stalwart on the war. He deserves that respect; he has been an indispensable voice for the effort and has the right to hold himself up as that. However, he should be showing that respect to others who have supported the war and the troops. See Ed Morrissey.
McCain’s unfair stab at Romney this weekend may not cost him anything. The endorsement from Florida’s popular governor, Charles Crist, came at just the right time to bury the item in the local news. And if he does win the nomination, this moment may not even be remembered. Unfortunately, the truth is always too complicated for a quick explanation. See David Freddoso.
McCain is Political Speak:
In the brief economic part of his presentation, McCain is insistent, absolutely insistent, that the Bush tax cuts he voted against, and would still vote against today, be made permanent. It’s hard to imagine how he can say the word “permanent” much more in the course of a couple of sentences: “But I think, my friends, that’s what we should do, I think it’s very important, to keep the tax cuts permanent, make the tax cuts permanent. If we don’t do that, every family and business in America is going to see an increase in their taxes in 2010. So we need to keep the tax cuts permanent.” See article by Rich Lowry.
Doesn't anyone else see what is happening? McCain is a darling of the liberal media (as are all the democratic candidates). If McCain can get elected with the help of the main stream media then the only two candidates available are a liberal democrat and a liberal republican. This dynamic would shift the entire United States of America to the left away from conservatism. Maybe Huckabee is doing to Romney, what Huckabee accused Thompson of doing to Huckabee.
Again, I am shocked at how the other Republican candidates have ganged up against Romney. You've got to see this video.
Update: I stumbled across this article by Vic Lundquist who analyzes the Florida results and discusses religious bigotry in America.
Florida Prediction for GOP President - Lost Mormon?
Update: McCain 36%, Romney 31%, Giuliani 15%, Huckabee 14%, Paul 3%
I was wrong. I have to admit Florida was an exciting race (makes me wonder how much money the TV/Radio/Newspaper companies are making off this campaign season). I heard three comments, however, which surprised me:
Sheridan Kernop said she originally considered Romney, but moved to Huckabee. And why the change? “The honest truth? Because he’s a Mormon.”
Humberto Leach voted for Mitt Romney because he thinks he is the best candidate to beat the Democrats. "It was a hard choice because I voted against my religion. [Meaning religiously he should have voted for Huckabee]."
On another blog, which shall remain nameless since they deleted my comments and instead of talking politics went straight to Mormon bashing. The blogger didn't support Huckabee tax policy, he didn't think Huckabee was the best candidate, but they shared a religion and because of that simple reason, "God forbid any other candidate should win".
I guess the Founding Fathers, John F. Kennedy, and Mitt Romney are wrong, there is a religious test for President. If Mitt Romney wasn't a Mormon he would have had the nomination wrapped up months ago - the man is head and shoulders above the others. I am a little bit saddened by America, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, do you see the subscript there? Does it say something like "except for Mormons"? I don't think everyone thinks bad of Mormons, but I have been surprised by all the distasteful phone calls slamming Mormons from Huckabee's campaign, and the snide remarks from Ron Paul's campaign, not to mention the bizarre attitude that "any body except a Mormon body will do". Or Americans thinking a Mormon (even one as accomplished as Mitt Romney) cannot be President because of his faith - who cares about his Presidential platform.
John F. Kennedy respected religions, even the Mormons. You don't have to agree on doctrine to remain secure in your faith and to complement people of other faiths. Voting for Mitt Romney is not against one's faith - you're not voting for a Pastor in Chief. You're voting for an executive officer to provide vision, values, set priorities and deadlines for the next four years in America. I believe Mitt Romney, even if he is a Mormon, will do just that.
Calling Floridians Political Phone Calls
Conversation A:
I talked with a sweet woman who had been tracking the number of phone calls she had received. She said she had received 19 so far. When I expressed surprise, she said she realistically was expecting around 30 before Tuesday's primary. As a registered voter, she recognized that political phone calls are part of the process.
Conversation B:
I talked with a man who started out saying he didn't care what I thought about politics because it was the candidates that needed his vote. I agreed and asked him what he thought (he also mentioned it was nice to talk to a real person) and then he unloaded. His main concerns had to do with raising his family and getting his kids through college so they could get a great job. At a jab at McCain and Giuliani he said he didn't care about terrorists, even though he lived by a military base. He wanted economic prosperity so his kids could move out of the house and find a job that would provide for their needs. He really got worked up and before I knew it he was using cuss words, then he dropped the f-bomb and hung up.
Well, I didn't find that very fair, I didn't even get to tell him that I was a student with three kids living in an apartment and knew exactly what he was talking about. So I did what any good phone person would do, I called him back.
He was completely surprised. He talked for another ten minutes about the economy and his worries about his family and the future. Finally, I was able to tell him my story. As an MBA and an MHA student, I support Mitt Romney because of his economic policies. A strong economy begets a strong military, and both of those provide protection for my family, both financially and economically. I then gave him the local phone number and suggested he call them and say, "These are my concerns, I'll be watching closely over the next few days to see what Romney says about this." Our conversation ended very well, "God bless you" he said.
Conversation C:
I talked with a lady who said she had already made up her mind. I asked if I could share with her my reasons for supporting Mitt Romney. She reluctantly agreed. I explained the US spends 4% of GDP on the military and 16% on healthcare. It takes a strong economy to support the military and only Mitt Romney has the real world experience to help America prosper. Economists estimate 80% of jobs in twenty years haven't even been thought of yet. Only Mitt Romney can position America to take advantage of those jobs. When I finished, she seemed very impressed and said, "That was very convincing." I think she will be checking that box for Mitt Romney on Tuesday the 29th of January.
Conversation D:
I talked with a young lady who answered the phone, "Victoria's Secret, how may I help you?". (I think they were tired of political calls.)
Conversation E:
A man answered the phone and said he had already cast his ballot, but that his wife hadn't. In the background she protested, but he finally got her to answer the phone. After a brief conversation, she wondered aloud, "My husband voted for John McCain, can he get his ballot back and change his vote to Mitt Romney?"
Conversation F:
A woman asked me right off the bat, what is Mitt Romney's position on pro-life issues. I told her about how Mitt Romney converted to the pro-life stance as Governor of Massachusetts. As a governor he came down on the side of pro-life issues over and over again. His Presidential platform is pro-life and pro-family values. She said those were the issues important to her and I suggested she check out for more information.
Conversation G:
I talked with a man who was one of the most polite people I've talked with. He was debating between Giuliani and Romney. He said, "I would never vote for McCain - even if he won I would vote for the democrat, unless it was Hillary Clinton." He thought McCain was one of the most liberal political figures to call themselves a Republican that he had ever seen in politics. We had a great discussion, talking about healthcare and some of the trends in Florida hospitals. As an MHA student I promised to look into fellowships in Florida. We ended the conversation very well - sometimes I wish I could keep track of some of those people. Good Folk!
Anyway, I've never followed politics, but I must admit that people are excited and enthusiastic about Mitt Romney. Over and over people admired his economic knowledge and admitted the fact that we need a great economy to support our soldiers in the field with the best equipment and technology, people also admired his family values, and his great example for MBA students across the nation. Every MBA student wishes to be successful like Romney. As an economic conservative, I strongly endorse Mitt Romney for President of these United States.
McCain Continues His "Straight Talk" Express, Huh?
In the course of a few hours, McCain said that Romney once wanted to set a date to withdraw from Iraq, accused him of working on the same side as Hillary Clinton in the Iraq debate, and accused him of disrespecting American servicemen and women. Check out this myth debunked here.
What exactly does McCain mean by demanding that Romney apologize to
American troops? Is McCain suggesting than any American who opposed the surge
was somehow not supporting American troops? Is he saying that it is unpatriotic
to debate American policy in Iraq? It sure sounds like it. And it is an
unbecoming posture for McCain, who has been boasting in
recent days about the "respectful debate" he would have with Hillary
Clinton, John Edwards or Barack Obama should he win the nomination.John McCain's statements on Iraq, early on - what a Flip Flopper.
“Mr. President, can anyone seriously argue that another 6 months of United States forces in harm’s way means the difference between peace and prosperity in Somalia and war and starvation there? Is that very dim prospect worth one more American life? No, it is not.” -John McCain Senate Floor, 10/14/93
"There is no reason for the United States of America to remain in Somalia. The American people want them home, I believe the majority of Congress wants them home, and to set an artificial date of March 31 or even February 1, in my view, is not acceptable. The criteria should be to bring them home as rapidly and safely as possible, an evolution which I think could be completed in a matter of weeks.
Our continued military presence in Somalia allows another situation to arise which could then lead to the wounding, killing or capture of American fighting men and women. We should do all in our power to avoid that.
I listened carefully to the President's remarks at a news conference that he held earlier today. I heard nothing in his discussion of the issue that would persuade me that further U.S. military involvement in the area is necessary. In fact, his remarks have persuaded me more profoundly that we should leave and leave soon.
Dates certain, Mr. President, are not the criteria here. What is the criteria and what should be the criteria is our immediate, orderly withdrawal from Somalia. And if we do not do that and other Americans die, other Americans are wounded, other Americans are captured because we stay too long--longer than necessary--then I would say that the responsibilities for that lie with the Congress of the United States who did not exercise their authority under the Constitution of the United States and mandate that they be brought home quickly and safely as possible. . . .
I know that this debate is going to go on this afternoon and I have a lot more to say, but the argument that somehow the United States would suffer a loss to our prestige and our viability, as far as the No. 1 superpower in the world, I think is baloney. The fact is, we won the cold war. The fact is, we won the Persian Gulf conflict. And the fact is that the United States is still the only major world superpower.
I can tell you what will erode our prestige. I can tell you what will hurt our viability as the world's superpower, and that is if we enmesh ourselves in a drawn-out situation which entails the loss of American lives, more debacles like the one we saw with the failed mission to capture Aideed's lieutenants, using American forces, and that then will be what hurts our prestige.
We suffered a terrible tragedy in Beirut, Mr. President; 240 young marines lost their lives, but we got out. Now is the time for us to get out of Somalia as rapidly and as promptly and as safely as possible.
I, along with many others, will have an amendment that says exactly that. It does not give any date certain. It does not say anything about any other missions that the United States may need or feels it needs to carry out. It will say that we should get out as rapidly and orderly as possible."-John McCain Senate Floor, 10/19/93
Straight Talk - John McCain's Straight Talk Express plunges off the road and into a revine exploding a ball of fire.
Crist Endorses John McCain? What the hey?
Florida democratic party said:
“Crist: Screw You, Florida. This is a slap in the face to every Floridian. Of all the candidates in the race, Charlie Crist picks the one who ridicules the proposed national catastrophic fund that would reduce insurance rates for all Floridians,” state party spokesman Mark Bubriski said. “So much for being the ‘People’s Governor.’”
Nate said:
It seemed like Governor Crist was a little fake in his endorsement. He said, “I just decided today.” Was he waiting to see who the clear winner would be so he could endorse the winner? The whole thing seemed a little odd.
Mitt Romney Communications Director Kristy Campbell:
“We have a great deal of respect for Governor Crist but we happen to disagree with him on who would make the best President. Governor Romney is working hard for the support of every single Floridian who wants lower taxes, less government, stronger families and a strong military. Governor Crist’s vote is only one vote. The endorsement that matters most to Governor Romney is the endorsement of the People of Florida.”
Miami Herald
''Crist is popular, but he's not Oprah,'' said pollster Kellyanne Conway.
And top Crist advisors, such as lobbyists Brian Ballard and J.M. ''Mac'' Stipanovich, have been longtime McCain men. ''We've been working this for a long time,'' Stipanovich said.
Hucks Army Defecting in Droves
I donated money to Mike Huckabee, but now I support Romney.
Being new to blogging, I wanted to post comments and have comments posted. So I searched the blogosphere looking for people that felt the same as I. Finally I stumbled onto and lo and behold I found 754 "bloggers for Huckabee". I thought, well I guess this is a good place to start. Unfortunately, over and over as I clicked through the blogs, the bloggers had moved from Mike Huckabee to Fred Thompson and many had moved on to Mitt Romney; while other blogs like Latter Day Saints for Huckabee and Michigan for Huckabee came up as Error 404: Page does not exist. People had even posted their emails to Mike Huckabee asking to be removed from his blog roll!
Then I stumbled across a Bob Lonsberry, a guy that does a radio show in New York on 1180 WHAM and Utah on Family Values 570 KRNS. His story was similar to many, many others I have read:
Mike Huckabee is the only politician I've ever donated money to. I sent him $50 last fall, when he was on the Glenn Beck TV show. I liked what he had to say about the Second Amendment and I liked the way he was so upfront with his strong religious values.
But this guy's only a conservative when it suits him, and he's got a new brand of conservatism he's peddling that is nothing but the old brand of liberalism. He is, to me, a keen, keen disappointment.
He has prostituted his religion, seeming to actively promote his Christian ties for personal political gain, and cunningly using religious bigotry against at least one opponent. He is too clever by half and it comes off looking not just cunning, but sinister. He did grow government, he did raise taxes, he was a good friend of illegal aliens – and all the 180s he's pulled in the last few weeks won't change that. Mike Huckabee is talented, and part of me still likes him a lot, but the more I learn about him, the more he reminds me of Elmer Gantry. -January 22, 2008
As more and more evangelicals realize how Huckabee misuses his religion to get votes, Hucks Army gets smaller and smaller. His "I am more Christian than thou" doesn't help any one's cause. From the debate the other night, more people thought a former Baptist Preacher was the least likely to bring the country together than a woman, a black man, or a Mormon. Huckabee has turned out to be a major disappointment.
Bob Lonsberry and former Huckabee supports, I challenge you to make Mitt Romney the second campaign to which you have donated. Just click here to make your donation. And welcome to Team Mitt!
What does Miss South Carolina and McCain have in Common?
McCain gets a question from Ron Paul about abolishing a committee.
McCain doesn't know what he is talking about when it comes to economics. This video shows the comparison between Miss South Carolina and John McCain as they both try to answer a question about which they have no idea. Miss South Carolina stumbled all over the place, and John McCain does the same. I love the music, "Don't know much about history, don't know much about geography..."
Ron Paul at the end says, "I don't think he knew what I was saying... He had to be [confused], because the people he brought up were actually on that committee."
You can see many of the democrats that love McCain here.
Mitt Romney wins Republican Debate January 24, 2008 MSNBC
Joe Scarbourough, "Mitt Romney absolutely dominated."
McCain talking twice about bridge to no where, left us scratching our head.
"Conservatives probably related to Mitt Romney."
"This was probably Mitt Romney's best performance."
"This was Mitt Romney's best debate performance."
"I saw a man who made two or three commanding responses to some questions."
"Run against not only Hillary Clinton but Bill Clinton. How would you run against them? Frankly, I can't wait. With Bill Clinton in the White House with nothing to do..."
Mitt Romney Respects Candidates - Make Tax Cuts Permanent
"I trust these two gentlemen (McCain and Giuliani)"
"MA was in a ditch, 3 billion dollar short fall"
"Thought they would need to raise taxes"
"Said to the business community, you don't have to worry about Taxachucetts coming back again."
"McCain should have voted for the Bush tax cuts the first time around."
"Economy in my DNA. I know how jobs come and how they go."
"I'll make sure we create more jobs."
Mitt Romney on Size of Military Republican Debate
Welcome home bill in MA. We will pay for your entire education. Enrollment went up 30%. We need to improve the GI bill, so young people get a full ride and go to college.
"Unthinkable that democrats would say... getting out as fast or win? Get out as fast as you can is the answer to Iraq."
"We cannot turn Iraq over to Al Queda."
"I will not walk away from Iraq until we are successful and have finished that job."
Democrats claiming they are the reason for success. "Not General Hillary Clinton."
What is Mitt Romney going to stand for as President?
Mitt Romney answers on what he is going to run? Why is he trying to be President?
"I'm gonna run on my own record."
"Washington is fundamentally broken."
"They said they would fix social security, they haven't."
"They said they would get us off of foreign oil, they haven't."
"They said they would live by higher ethics, they haven't."
"When Republicans act like democrats, America loses."
"We all agree pork barrel spending should end."
"How do we bring down taxes?"
"We are the party of fiscal responsibility."
Foundation of economy being shaken because Washington is not getting the job done.
"I am going to Washington to change Washington."
Republican Debate Mitt Romney on Semi-Automatic Weapons
Mitt Romney supports the second amendment and gun rights, this is a question posed by Mike Huckabee.
Romney on Bill Clinton in the White House
Great response by Mitt Romney about the idea the Clintons back in the White House.
"Bill Clinton in the White House with nothing to do, I just can't imagine, and I don't think the American people can imagine it..."
Romney Addresses Mormon Faith in MSNBC debate January 24, 2008
I couldn't help but feel a twinge of truth in Romney's response. Who cares about his personal faith - LOOK AT HIS FAITH IN THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! Inspiring.
Americans are not going to impose a religious test, when the founders said that is as unAmerican as anything. Free American people are the source of America's greatness! AWESOME!
"I just don't believe people will chose their candidate based on which Church they go to."
"We're not going to vote for this guy for a secular position because of the Church he goes to, I just don't believe that."
"A head to head with Hillary Clinton... she takes her inspiration from the Europe of old, big government, big taxes. I take my inspiration from small government, low taxes."
Ron Paul edged out by Romney in MSNBC text debate
I almost fell out of my chair! Ron Paul was edged out by Mitt Romney on the text message vote after the MSNBC poll. That is crazy.
MSNBC Text poll--who won the debate?
Romney 41%
Paul 40%
Huckabee 8%
McCain 7%
Rudy 4%
Republican Debate January 24,2008 MSNBC
Just got home and the debate is thirty minutes in. Here are my comments and thoughts so far.
Romney "Get out or win?" Democrats say get out. "Not to General Hillary Clinton" (lots of applause, and I thought it was a pretty clever line)
Paul War is not worth it. Al Queda wasn't there. They are now. (Paul so now that Al Queda is there do you just run away and leave it to them?)
Huckabee Weapons of mass destruction just weren't found, like all the Easter eggs. (I think most Americans think there was not WMD in Iraq, oopsie Huckabee)
Romney War not well managed, under planned, understaffed. Now we are in the phase we are in now. Now we have to make sure Iraq does not become a safe haven for Al Queda. (I like that he realizes there were troubles, but that America can make changes to win.)
Second Segment: Questions from candidates to other candidates, going left to right
Romney Giuliani how do we level the playing field with China. What kind of economic.
Giuliani I told you I wasn't going to answer your question. More engaged in trade the better, get to know them better. Ability to sue in China (that will be a very tough one to every make happen). What can we sell to China - energy independence, technology.
McCain Huckabee proponent of Fair Tax, how do you answer the criticism wouldn't cause more pain to lower income Americans? How do you account the resonance.
Huckabee People would love to see the IRS abolished. (Look at this conversation I had with a Pro Huckabee supporter here.) Prebate, every American would get a check (dang that is going to require a ton of administration). Wants Pimps, drug dealers, etc to be brought into the tax (this is a tiny population. Huckabee goes on in rebuttal to discount 30% - although because of the method of determining the 23% tax it comes out as a true 30%)
Paul Sunlight on group running money policy in the US.
McCain Rely on secretary of treasure to run money policy. He would rely on his group of friends (basically those who he owes favors to).
Huckabee Second Amendment ban on so called assault weapons. Do you support Brady and assault weapon ban,
Romney I do support second Amendment. I would have signed the assault weapon ban. Both the pro and anti gun lobbies came together. People have the right to carry a weapon.
Giuliani People have difficulties getting property insurance. McCain does not support a national catastrophic fund. Do you have a position on the national catastrophic fund?
Romney The answer is Yes. We had the problem in Massachusetts. So we will do as you just indicated. I am not in favor that Iowa should subsidise the people in Mass or Florida. How do we build a policy in each state. I brought together industry experts to solve health insurance.
McCain This is a terrible problem. Spread insurance across state lines (wow, that is radical). Call regulators, congress together (opps left out industry experts).
Russert Global Warming in Florida, but you are against green house gases.
Giuliani Invest in new technology. Nuclear powerplants, increase hybrid vehicles, more clean coal, incentives for new industries and biofuels. Wind, solar, etc. National project like getting man on the moon. This is the best way to fight green house gases. Positive way.
McCain Joe Lieberman and I proposed credit market on green house gases. Nuclear power, out of foreign oil, climate change is real (wow, that is almost anti-republican). Suppose we are wrong and climate change is not real, at least we will hand our kids a cleaner world (I agree with that).
Third Segment:
Giuliani Romney asked me a nice question, we've lulled them into a false sense of security. Everyone has a chance. I believe I'll get the nomination.
McCain Proud of my record on judges. Most republicans thinking about threat of radical Islam (not so my friend). Stewardship of our planet. Keep Israel independent. Very, very conservative record, but there are times when Rumsfelds strategy is wrong, Jack Abrahmoff (McCain's third largest lobbiest is the group that Jack worked for).
Romney The idea of Bill Clinton in the White House with nothing to do. (That is funny) I'll run against Hillary. 110 billion more every single year for her health care plan. Get out of Iraq, she is what is wrong with Washington. Look sending the same people back over and over will not change the results.
Romney How much money of your own wealth. There is nobody that can call me and cash in a favor. I am consiHow America works, I am giving my all. Loved his answer on his religion. I don't believe for a minute that Americans will impose a religious test. I believe individual freedom is what makes America great. (His answer here was more inspiring than his speech on religion! I was duly impressed with his response. Wow, what optimism about Americans, even though we all know we have our scum bags. Very Presidential and spoken with such great conviction. WOW!)
Huckabee Specifically do to change social security. Huckabee to Romney, you have five exceptional sons. If the country will elect me, your sons will get to keep your money. (The guy is
Everybody keeps talking about unlikely the Fair Tax is, we need to be talking about what we can do (Let me note NO COUNTRY IN THE WORLD HAS EVER RUN GOVERNMENT USING A FAIR TAX).
Romney Will you do for social security what Ronald Reagan do? I will not raise taxes. The four ways to solve the method 1. Raise taxes (worse way); we will need to sit down with Dems/Reps 2. Personal Accounts that do better than government bonds, 3. Innitial benefit calculation based on wage index, 4. Change the retirement age. Let's not scare anyone listening to me, it's not going to change people already on social security.
Giuliani Why is your campaign airing an ad in Spanish? America is built around english language. If you know other languages that is a good thing. Stop illegal immigration at the border. Tamper proof ID Card. Question Wet foot dry foot: why special policy for Cuba? Presumption that if fleeing Castro then fleeing politcal persectuiong.
Huckabee Chuck Norris said at 72 McCain too old. I didn't disagree with Norris because I was standing right next to him. I don't think that McCain lacks the rigor. He has the capacity to run.
McCain Now that Sylvester Stallon has endorsed me I'm sending him right over to take care of Norris.
Giuliani Question about NY times article. I never did anything the NYTimes suggested, if I did I would not be a convervative. I moved people from welfare to work. They wrote how mean I was. There is serious ideological differnces.
Romney Charge about you changes positions with the wind. Haven't paid your dues. I'm not going to Washington to make friends with politicians. Look at my record at Governor. Every issue I dealt with as Governor. Awarded by Citizens for life in MA on pro-life. Clear record on taxes. I am proud of where I stand and show my record to show I've been consistent.
McCain Question about temper. I don't see it as an impediment. I've dealt with friends and colleagues and wouldn't have their support if we didn't have a good. Endorses Giuliani (now why is he doing that?). All these people are good people and I intend to respect them.
Huckabee Question about quesy feeling. Solid core, faith grounds me, sense of purpose. Never use auspices of government to push my faith. They will have to deal with it. Respect people who have faith or don't.
Paul Won't stick to your party, would you launch a third party? I think they haven't stuck to our party. I've been elected 10 times as a Republican. It has a problem because we don't act like Republicans. Used to be against the department of education. We stopped wars, and here we are starting them. Why should the strict constitutionaists be removed from the party?
The end.
McCain gets Endorsement from the New York Times

Rudy Down and Out according to Wall Street Journal Political Market
The overwhelming consensus from the early states is that Giuliani is not viable. He ended up lower in all of the races than anyone would have suspected. Looks like his wait till Florida strategy back fired on him. With Romney and McCain vying for first in both Florida and California, Giuliani may have missed his chance.
What do Clinton and McCain have in common?
Kind of ironic that McCain's third largest contributor is Greenberg Traurig LLP, the company McCain took the lead in investigating for which Jack Abramoff the convicted lobbyist worked.
McCain owes too many favors to people in Washington!
Fred Thompson Supporters Welcome in Romney Camp
Anyway, my point is that most of the candidates have by now posted a complimentary statement to the effect, "Thanks for being in the race Fred". I couldn't help but notice how Huckabee still seems a little jaded and blames Thompson for keeping Huckabee from a win in South Carolina. I had a hard time reading Huckabee's statement with any sincerity. Honestly, if the guy would have listened to Fred's speech post South Carolina, Huckabee could have shut his mouth for a few days and instead of whining about Thompson's South Carolina run, let him retire without Huckabee's imperious blame.
I found however that Mitt Romney's comments were the best. He said, “Throughout this campaign, Fred Thompson brought a laudable focus to the challenges confronting our country and the solutions necessary to meet them. He stood for strong conservative ideas and believed strongly in the need to keep our conservative coalition together. Ann and I would like to extend our best wishes to Fred, Jeri and their family and congratulate them on their efforts during this campaign.”
I have to agree here with Romney. Fred Thompson told the people how it was. He stood up for his convictions and when he was ready he could put on a good show. I think because of Thompson's ideals that Fred supporters would be welcomed into the Romney group. As an economic conservative, I support Romney and had Thompson as my second choice. I've never considered McCain (I know he talks the political talk about cutting earmarks, but the guy has been there so long he owes favors to Clinton, Feingold, and Kennedy), I had at one point considered Huckabee (but I can't stand his tax ideas, and his I'm a better Christian than other candidates position).
Economic conservatives worried about the stock market, jobs, the economy, and even foreign affairs will recognize that Romney, with 25 years experience in the business world - knows how to effectively optimize departments, use economics to benefit our allies and hinder our enemies, to create teams that have specific deadlines, to use Ghant charts and project management skills to not only talk about things, BUT GET THEM DONE! With an MBA, Mitt Romney is a highly trained manager and knows how to get the biggest bang for the buck. He knows data analysis, regression analysis, and I believe he will use those skills to cut the fat out of Washington, giving us smaller government, lower taxes, and a healthier economy.
I invite all Fred Thompson supporters to seriously consider Mitt Romney for President. You're all welcome in my camp.
Fred Thompson Drops his friends' bid for the White House
Regardless of your mood, I suppose when a candidate retires we, the masses, get to reflect on our favorite moment. Mine was the exchange between Thompson and Huckabee about death (although Huckabee meant death taxes).
Huckabee "I'll get rid of the estate tax and death."
Thompson "You'll get rid of death?... That ain't gonna work so well."
And although Fred drops the race his friends tried to win for him, Fred retires from the Presidential race with even more fans than his Law & Order days. Hat tip to Fred Thompson for a pretty good run from a man who understands quite a bit about being a Republican.
Most voters that choose Fred Thompson over Huckabee will find a new candidate in Mitt Romney. Looks like Thompson followers may be transitioning to Mitt Romney already. Take a look here, here, and here.
Flip Flopping John McCain, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney
It should be recognized by everyone that all of the candidates have flip-flopped on many things. McCain saying his Amnesty bill was not Amnesty, Huckabee said he would pay tuition for illegals, but now his illegal bill is so Chuck "McCain is too old to be President" Norris tough that the illegals will go home with their children so Huckabee won't have to pay their tuition. And of course, Mitt Romney changed his position from status quo on ProLife issues to a strong position for Pro-Life issues and once he made the decision, he has come down on the side of Pro-Life issues every time. If every candidate has changed their position on things, why is it that Mitt Romney seems to be singled out by the main stream media as a flip-flopper.
When I browse CNN, Fox News, CBS, ABC, Telemundo, Reuters, Christian Science Monitor, New York Times, LA Times, and others they seem to be pushing this idea that only Mitt Romney has changed his positions. Additionally, if you look at comments posted by Huckabee supporters, McCain supporters, etc, they label Mitt Romney in some cases a flip-flopper.
New research done by Vanderbilt University explains why Romney's flip-flopper label sticks. Political scientists say anti-Mormon bias finds cover in the term flip-flopper. The research project was set up to uncover the real issue behind individuals comments about Romney. The poll states, "We find that of those who accuse Romney of flip-flopping, many admit it is Romney's Mormonism and not his flip-flopping that is the real issue." This poll indicated this pattern of calling Romney a flip-flopper is especially strong for conservative Evangelicals.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I propose that Romney's convincing win in Nevada shows that Mitt Romney appeals to Family conservatives, Economic conservatives, and Defense conservatives. More over, Mitt Romney appeals to Educated Evangelicals living in the same areas as Mormons. The nation can take a collective sigh of relief - Mitt Romney is supported by evangelical Christians that know Mormons best. Those in Nevada.
Seriously consider your candidate - Mitt Romney, if he weren't Mormon, would have won this contest months ago. Romney is a great candidate and his religion has nothing to do with his skill set, his honors during his education, and his drive to make America better not only for himself but also for us and our children. As an economic conservative, I endorse Mitt Romney for President - I love the idea of a successful self-made business man going to Washington and shaking things up. Romney is a highly trained manager who sets deadlines, holds meetings to set realistic goals, and then inspires his team to exceed expectations. If you like the idea of optimizing government, running the government as a break-even business, and bringing together both democrats and republicans in businesslike negotiation meetings - THEN MITT ROMNEY IS YOUR CANDIDATE. Mitt Romney is the choice of Republicans in Nevada and Michigan.
Mitt '08
Mitt Romney Nevada Victory Speech - Battleground States
Michigan and Nevada are battleground states during the general election. It shows Mitt has a good coalition by winning those states.
Romney emphasizes his campaign is the only one attempting to compete in all states.
Romney is making his appeal to ALL Americans.
View the entire video at the New York Times by clicking here.
All right Florida, it's your turn next!
Romney wins Nevada - Was it the Mormons?
Nevada Caucus Numbers with 98% of precincts reporting:
Romney | Paul | McCain | Huckabee | Thompson | Giuliani | Hunter | Tancredo | |
Votes | 22313 | 5742 | 5558 | 3500 | 3475 | 1884 | 879 | 0 |
Percent | 51% | 13% | 13% | 8% | 8% | 4% | 2% | 0% |
We take the 22313 and divide by 2 in order to derive 50%. This is 22313/2 = 11156.5
Because we cannot have a half person, we will lower the number to 11156. The new numbers and percentages come out as shown below.
Romney | Paul | McCain | Huckabee | Thompson | Giuliani | Hunter | Tancredo | |
Votes | 11156 | 5742 | 5558 | 3500 | 3475 | 1884 | 879 | 0 |
Percent | 35% | 18% | 17% | 11% | 11% | 6% | 3% | 0% |
The graph from MSNBC Video is telling:
Friday Night before South Carolina Primary and Nevada Caucus
McCain wins South Carolina, Clinton wins Nevada.
This is a funny video about Obama's wife mispronouncing Nevada. She went a little overboard after she realized her mistake. Let's count them up, Nevahda, and then 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1. Wow 10 more times; I think she gets it now. Watch the video by clicking here.
This video talks about the correct pronunciation of Nevada, can you believe there are even blogs tracking those mispronouncing Nevada? Looks like Mrs. Obama made the list.
Mitt Romney Michigan Victory Speech
The American People want someone who is optimistic about our future - only Mitt Romney has the experience to lead a team of Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives to make policy changes that will improve America. I feel amazed that we live in such a wonderful country where after all the politics, we still work together to muddle things forward.
Huckabee and Trouble with his web site

I was browsing Mike Huckabee's presidential website. And lo and behold down on the right side is a Mormon blog supporting Mike Huckabee. Wow, even after Huckabee disses the Mormons someone is still supporting him? Latter-Day Saints for Huckabee it says. I click on the link and get the following:
Blogger: 404 Error Page - Page Not Found
Is Mike Huckabee making up support blogs? It appears he has some troubles with fibbing? Go check it out yourself by clicking here.
Evangelicals for Huckabee
Sansoterra likes Romney's plan to help the auto industry and he also likes Giuliani's plan to lower corporate taxes. Yet these two plans that would help him better support his family, his church, and his community are framed by Huckabee and his pastor as "temptations". And are therefore votes that will be deemed as "sin" if cast. I guess there is a reason why the Christian Science Monitor calls Mike Huckabee "a conservative with a social gospel".
What does Sansoterra mean by "us"? Instead of voting for his family's future, Sansoterra joins the "us". The announcer mentioned he is voting for a true social conservative. Huckabee isn't really a true social conservative - isn't that Fred Thompson? I think what they meant to say is that he is voting for a true evangelical because his pastor told him so. And evangelicals stick together, even when their candidate has a liberal tax history and raised taxes in his state.
It's a good thing voting is done in the confidential voting booth, where a vote for one's family and future can trump the suggestions of the "us".
John McCain Debatable Straight Talk Express - A Huckabee?
But the mailer goes on to draw a picture of Romney's record as governor of Massachusetts that is so distorted as to discredit McCain's claim to be the candidate of "straight talk."
Doesn't anyone else see that John McCain and Huckabee are both doing the same thing? They are worse than Romney in my opinion, Romney never said he wouldn't compare his record with theirs. But both McCain and Huckabee have said they will not get involved in "negative" campaigning.
Looks like McCain just pulled "a Huckabee"!
A Huckabee definition - Saying you won't do something, then doing it anyway.
syn. political speak, been in politics too long, flip flopper
What is A Huckabee?
synonyms include: Political Speak, Been in Politics Too Long, and Do What I Think Not What I Say
As in: I will not show this attack ad, but here it is anyway.
Mitt Romney and Mrs. Blazo his teacher in 1953-1954
Mitt Romney on Revitalizing Michigan Auto Industry
Mitt Romney Gets Standing Ovation From Detroit Economic Club
On a contrasting note, John McCain gave a speech about cutting the earmarks out of Washington and sending the money to where it will do some good. On the surface the idea sounds fine, but what McCain is really saying is he would redirect those earmarks to Michigan. What a politician, he can only speak in earmarks.
This is in stark contrast to Romney's plan which would get together a strong team to figure out the future direction of the car companies. Be sure to watch the C-Span coverage above.
Enthusiastic Support for Mitt Romney at Prosperity Summit in Livonia
Romney gained an easy voter, his first grade teacher at Vaughn Elementary in Bloomfield Hills. Gloria Blazo attended the AFP event and showed Romney the class notes she had taken in 1953 when Romney was one of her students. “He was one person you never had to reprimand,” she said. School teachers for Romney!
The Americans for Prosperity summit, advocates for limited government, less regulation and fewer taxes. They gave an enthusiastic response to Romney who said,“Anyone earning $200,000 or less would have a new tax rate on their savings,” he said. “And that tax rate is zero.”
Read more here.
Huckabee Scares a lot of Conservatives
Mr. Glenn lined up 50 local pastors to attend a closed-door breakfast with Mr. Huckabee in Grand Rapids. And he has compiled an e-mail list of more than 600 volunteers — many in Internet groups that Huck’s Army is connecting — who have been using church directories to make phone calls, courting local pastors and leafleting church parking lots . source
“Recruit volunteers to stand this Sunday on public sidewalks across the street from the parking lots of the biggest evangelical churches you can find,” Mr. Glenn urged in a recent e-mail message.
Richard Land, the top public policy official of the Southern Baptist Convention, argued that just as small-government and foreign-policy conservatives could not win a primary without evangelicals, “I don’t think evangelicals can win without most of the rest of those coalitions".
I am a bit surprised by Huckabee's use of religious groups. It would be interesting to hear what happens behind those closed door meetings.
John McCain vs. Mitt Romney vs. Huckabee
I think Mitt Romney would make an excellent President for the following reasons:
- As a Washington outsider, Romney does not owe anybody in Congress favors. McCain does owe political favors to Kennedy and others.
- Unlike Huckabee that relies on his poorness for votes and his supporters for non financial gifts, Mitt Romney cannot be bought like Huckabee (read about it here).
- While Mitt Romney doesn't have the most foreign experience like McCain, the world more and more uses economics for negotiations, sanctions, and cooperation. Mitt Romney is the only candidate that understands business and economics in a way that he can wisely use America's economic resources to aid our friends and hinder our enemies.
- A vote for Mitt Romney is a vote for a lower national debt, the optimization and streamlining of Washington, and a man that beyond war can use economic sanctions with nation motivating effect.
The polls are close, but think about this, economists estimated 80% of jobs in twenty years haven't even been thought of yet. Only Mitt Romney has the experience and knowledge to uniquely position America to take advantage of those jobs. Support Mitt Romney to lead America forward with respect to the economy.
John McCain is too old: that doesn't mean he's stupid
Want a job? Give a gift to Mike Huckabee

$ Amount = Your new Job; he did it and so can you
$60,000 = University of Arkansas Stadium Commission Seat; Jennings Osborn
$44,600 = Game and Fish Commission Seat; Ronald Pierce
$20,000* = Head of the Arkansas State Police; Tom Mars
$500** = State Parks, Recreation and Travel Commission; Name withheld
$80*** = Arkansas State Board of Optometry; Name withheld
Do you really want to vote for the ethically challenged Mike Huckabee?
The guy has real ethics violations! His salary as Governor of Arkansas was $67,000. Astonishingly, Mike Huckabee accepted $121,000 in gifts in one year - almost double his salary. Mike Huckabee also received 91 gifts from 21 people. Mike Huckabee later appointed those people to important chairs and commissions. Mike Huckabee is one Presidential candidate that can be bought. A vote for Mike is a vote for more corruption in Washington.
*Estimated services based on free lawyer services provided by Tom Mars when Huckabee filed a lawsuit against the Arkansas Ethics Committee.
**Estimated service barbecue grill
***Estimated cost of eye care services
New Hampshire Fox Debate 1/6/2008
12:00 Huckabee uses "Political Speak" to avoid saying he raised taxes. He totally avoided the question and Romney asked him straight up FOUR TIMES. Definition of Political Speak.
20:45 Huckabee claims his comment "the CEO who laid you off" is NOT directed at Romney. Ask any of his supporters and they say it does refer to Romney. Huckabee's double talk is revealed, besides Huckabee is talking about firing 115,000 employees right off the bat. For comparision the U.S. only brought in 43,000 jobs in November 2007.
23:46 Huckabee misspeaks and says he will "get rid of death" (he meant to say death tax), to which Thompson pipes in and says that is something they can both agree on. Funny exchange.
(Note: Throughout Huckabee continually interrupts moderator. The moderator tells him to be stop talking until he can finish his question.) Huckabee continues about taxes and reveals his link to special interest groups concerned with firing 115,000 federal employees and giving a tax increase to middle class Americans, for me it amounts to 16%. The New York Times says.
29:00 McCain says, "I am an agent of change..." Hilarious, since just last night McCain was railing on Romney for being the agent of change.
31:10 Romney says Washington insiders will not get things done, if people keep sending the same people back to Washington in "different chairs."
46:05 Interesting Romney comments on qualities required to be President.
47:20 Huckabee marvels that his Democratic state kept "electing him" back into office. It's no wonder though; the guy is practically a Dem with his class warfare statements.
50:07 McCain does a hilarious funny face at Giuliani, not sure where that came from. He did it yesterday as well.
53:00 Thompson speaks about whether it is better to elect Executive or a Senator... took to long to get to the point
My DVD recorder stops suddenly, I put in new disk and restart count (hey, DVD-Rs are like politicians, they must be changed regularly):
2:00 Huckabee on immigration. Huckabee supports letting illegals go to school, and is slammed on his "don't punish the children" statement because his new immigration policy sends everybody home within 120 days. Romney chimes in and asks doesn't sending the children home punish the parents? Huckabee says he is not talking to Romney, but that he is talking to the moderator. The moderator says, "I was just about to ask the same question." And does so, "Doesn't sending the children home punish the parents?" Funny moment, Huckabee looked like a cornered politician on that one.
4:35 Amnesty vs. non-Amnesty is all nonsense says McCain. Huckabee mimics McCain's position.
5:55 Thompson says, everyone sitting as this table "including Ronald Reagan". Opps, that's not Ronald Reagan, it's John McCain dude.
15:00 Huckabee on negative ads. Moderator says, Huckabee you have said, Romney is running a "desperate and dishonest campaign", he is sitting right next to you, what do you say? He then says people can distort anything, but he doesn't call Romney dishonest to his face. McCain then talks about the negative ads he has received. Romney comes back by saying he compared their records with his to emphasis differences in their positions. He says McCain's ad was tough (and I agree, it was a personal attack by the Concord Monitor and had nothing to do with the campaign, unless the word "phony" was used on all candidates). Romney then points out Huckabee's campaign has been using personal attacks. For instance, Huckabee's campaign manager Mr. Rollins said he wanted to "kick Mitt's teeth out". Huckabee jokes that Chuck Norris is waiting outside and Thompson chimes in saying if John Wayne were here he would kick Chuck's butt.
20:00 Romney explains that he has only changed his position to pro-life. But that the media and his competitors have tried to mislabel him as if he had changed all of his positions. He says, I would rather change my position to the right, than stubbornly remain in the wrong.
27:13 Thompson says he should be President because "I've never lost an election, although I haven't been in very many."
28:25 Huckabee uses a quote by Abraham Lincoln that he used a couple hours earlier with the same moderator.
30:00 Mitt Romney's closing arguments were to the point, talked about his concern for his children and his grandchildren, he says he knows how to make America a better place for future generations
34:00 McCain's closing arguments - the guy just looks tired.
Hats off to Fox News for a debate that actually allowed the candidates to go beyond just little sound bites in other debates. I was surprised Ron Paul wasn't there, but the table did look crowded. Seriously, Rudy Giuliani looked like he was about to fall off the table. I enjoyed the debate and saw a side of the candidates I had not seen before.
I declare Mitt Romney the winner as he was the most coherent about his positions and what he would do as a President of the American people. Although Thompson didn't say a lot, I thought he actually did pretty well in this debate. McCain seemed out of touch, Huckabee was exposed as a slick talking politician. Giuliani can't move past 9/11. A vote for Mitt Romney is a vote for a leader with a proven track record and the abilities to make a better tomorrow for our children (at least after this debate).
New Hampshire Republican Debate 1/5/2008
The bottom line is they are all afraid of Mitt Romney. He is a true leader, his family is good, he has proven experience and demonstrated results, time and time again.
Just like the water buffalo in this video, Romney kept his poise, and showed an indominable spirit. (The action starts at minute 2:00. First the lions attack, then the crocodile, and finally those truly opposed to personal attacks arrive - the New Hampshire voters!)
Reasons Romney won the debate:
- Romney got one third of the face time during the debate.
- He was able to explain why he was in the race: strengthen families, improve education, strengthen the economy, and build a strong military.
- The visible disdain by his fellow candidates was disgraceful CNN stated
- They blather and cry about comparision ads and then they wolf pack Romney at this debate
- CNN calls it "go after" - I call it "jackals attacking"
Disgusted with Huckabee - A DARK CAMPAIGN
- “We are going to see if we can’t take Romney out,” Mr. Rollins said.
- "Romney running 'dishonest' campaign." Huckabee said.
- I don't round house kick, I “just like to choke those guys out.” Norris said.
- “We’re going to see if we can’t take Romney out. We like John. Nobody likes Romney.”Mr. Rollins said.
I still find it interesting that Huckabee never has his family in the media. I didn't even know his family was in Iowa - wasn't one arrested recently? I also found it interested that when Huckabee gave his "I won Iowa speech", it wasn't his wife or his sons that stood behind him, it was CHUCK NORRIS and Chuck's wife! Whenever Chuck opened his mouth I had to turn down the color on my TV, that guy has teeth whiter than #FFFFFF in HTML!!!!!! It is nice to hear his family is second or third when it comes to supporters. Put on your sunglasses to watch this one.
Another thing that bugs me about Huckabee is as he said today, "If I come in fourth or fifth in New Hampshire I'll be just fine." Hello, Huckabee there are only four or five candidates in the race!
Romney is the better candidate.