Romney Addresses Mormon Faith in MSNBC debate January 24, 2008

MSNBC Republican debate January 24, 2008

I couldn't help but feel a twinge of truth in Romney's response. Who cares about his personal faith - LOOK AT HIS FAITH IN THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! Inspiring.

Americans are not going to impose a religious test, when the founders said that is as unAmerican as anything. Free American people are the source of America's greatness! AWESOME!
"I just don't believe people will chose their candidate based on which Church they go to."
"We're not going to vote for this guy for a secular position because of the Church he goes to, I just don't believe that."
"A head to head with Hillary Clinton... she takes her inspiration from the Europe of old, big government, big taxes. I take my inspiration from small government, low taxes."

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