Hucks Army Defecting in Droves

Over and over the story reads the same...
I donated money to Mike Huckabee, but now I support Romney.

Being new to blogging, I wanted to post comments and have comments posted. So I searched the blogosphere looking for people that felt the same as I. Finally I stumbled onto and lo and behold I found 754 "bloggers for Huckabee". I thought, well I guess this is a good place to start. Unfortunately, over and over as I clicked through the blogs, the bloggers had moved from Mike Huckabee to Fred Thompson and many had moved on to Mitt Romney; while other blogs like Latter Day Saints for Huckabee and Michigan for Huckabee came up as Error 404: Page does not exist. People had even posted their emails to Mike Huckabee asking to be removed from his blog roll!

Then I stumbled across a Bob Lonsberry, a guy that does a radio show in New York on 1180 WHAM and Utah on Family Values 570 KRNS. His story was similar to many, many others I have read:

Mike Huckabee is the only politician I've ever donated money to. I sent him $50 last fall, when he was on the Glenn Beck TV show. I liked what he had to say about the Second Amendment and I liked the way he was so upfront with his strong religious values.
But this guy's only a conservative when it suits him, and he's got a new brand of conservatism he's peddling that is nothing but the old brand of liberalism. He is, to me, a keen, keen disappointment.
He has prostituted his religion, seeming to actively promote his Christian ties for personal political gain, and cunningly using religious bigotry against at least one opponent. He is too clever by half and it comes off looking not just cunning, but sinister. He did grow government, he did raise taxes, he was a good friend of illegal aliens – and all the 180s he's pulled in the last few weeks won't change that. Mike Huckabee is talented, and part of me still likes him a lot, but the more I learn about him, the more he reminds me of Elmer Gantry. -January 22, 2008

As more and more evangelicals realize how Huckabee misuses his religion to get votes, Hucks Army gets smaller and smaller. His "I am more Christian than thou" doesn't help any one's cause. From the debate the other night, more people thought a former Baptist Preacher was the least likely to bring the country together than a woman, a black man, or a Mormon. Huckabee has turned out to be a major disappointment.

Bob Lonsberry and former Huckabee supports, I challenge you to make Mitt Romney the second campaign to which you have donated. Just click here to make your donation. And welcome to Team Mitt!


Christopher said...

The day that Fred Thompson pulled out of the GOP race, I searched 'Thompson drops out of the race Romney'
and I found many many bloggers that turned to Romney that day and gave up all talk of Fred.

I listed some that I found on my site, and I've been checking and some people just have quit posting since their canidate is out also.

I like Romney, have since I first saw him and heard his message, I think he's serious and can get the job done.

I do not base my ideas off of polls, media coverage or pundits. I listen to the message and believe I have a good feel of what people want in life and it's easy to pick someone that can help others reach what they desire. I desire freedom and a good chance to earn a good job.

Clint Blaes said...

Do you think there's a chance that this phenomenon is more based on the fact that Huck's chances of getting the nomination are getting slim, and his supporters are simply looking for their second choice? Out of the remaining viable candidates, Romney is the ONLY social conservative, and thus a natural choice for Huckabee's supporters to go to.

Fleeting_Thoughts said...

christopher I don't follow the polls much either. I am amazed every time after a debate how the media portrays it. They leave out so much good stuff. That is why I started posting my notes from the Presidential debates. Just my personal reflections.

clint, I think you are right. Romney's political platform is socially conservative. People wonder about trusting him. He has kept the trust of those that elected him. He once said he made around 90 promises to the people of MA and he kept them all.

Mitt Romney gets the trust of this MBA student! WHAT A ROLE MODEL for business students. He's not a career politician; he's not going to Washington to make friends. He's going with his shirt sleeves rolled up to get things done. He's a trained leader and effective in everything he's done.