Huckabee Scares a lot of Conservatives

While Mormons don't allow their church directories to be used for political purposes, nor their buildings; Mike Huckabee has a strong advantage by using evangelical church rosters.

Mr. Glenn lined up 50 local pastors to attend a closed-door breakfast with Mr. Huckabee in Grand Rapids. And he has compiled an e-mail list of more than 600 volunteers — many in Internet groups that Huck’s Army is connecting — who have been using church directories to make phone calls, courting local pastors and leafleting church parking lots . source

“Recruit volunteers to stand this Sunday on public sidewalks across the street from the parking lots of the biggest evangelical churches you can find,” Mr. Glenn urged in a recent e-mail message.

Richard Land, the top public policy official of the Southern Baptist Convention, argued that just as small-government and foreign-policy conservatives could not win a primary without evangelicals, “I don’t think evangelicals can win without most of the rest of those coalitions".

I am a bit surprised by Huckabee's use of religious groups. It would be interesting to hear what happens behind those closed door meetings.

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