Friday Night before South Carolina Primary and Nevada Caucus

Well, it's already late but I've been watching the news. Most stations seem to be carrying the Nevada Democratic race. South Carolina looks like a good contest between McCain and Huckabee. Now is the time to place your guesses, recognizing, of course, that I can just edit this post should I prove to be incorrect. Notwithstanding, here are my guesses.

McCain wins South Carolina, Clinton wins Nevada.

This is a funny video about Obama's wife mispronouncing Nevada. She went a little overboard after she realized her mistake. Let's count them up, Nevahda, and then 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1. Wow 10 more times; I think she gets it now. Watch the video by clicking here.

This video talks about the correct pronunciation of Nevada, can you believe there are even blogs tracking those mispronouncing Nevada? Looks like Mrs. Obama made the list.

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