Mitt Romney is the Ronald Reagan of Our Time

So the Main Stream Media is still rooting for its liberal Republican baby John McCain (I know what you're thinking, McCain is really old, but he still throws fits like a baby). Anyway, McCain looked like a smug, lying politician during the debate last night. I wrote down three or four times when John McCain's "Straight Talk Express" hurdled off the bridge and exploded into a great ball of fire. McCain is definitely a Washington Politician (I'll post more on that later).

So why is it that I call Mitt Romney the Ronald Reagan of our time? Because he represents all three groups of the conservative Republican base: the Social conservatives, the defense conservatives and the economic conservatives. I am excited about what Mitt Romney can do with America. Senator Jim DeMint was interviewed today on NPR. He too is excited about what Mitt Romney can accomplish in Washington. A true outsider, just like Reagan, Romney owes no favors (just look at McCain with all of his endorsement baggage piling up).

Joshua Trevino writes: CNN has the exit-poll numbers, and they reveal some surprising things:

Romney won pro-lifers.
Romney won the mainstream religious. (Huckabee won the very religious ­ less than one-fifth of the pool.)
Romney won the Protestants.
Romney tied Huckabee with Evangelicals.
Romney won the pro-GWB voters.
Romney is the primary second choice of Giuliani voters, Thompson voters …. and McCain voters.
Romney won the immigration hard-liners.
Romney won the upper-middle class, earning between $100,000 and $200,000 annually.
Romney won the terrorism-oriented voters.
Romney won the self-identified conservatives and the self-identified very conservative.
Romney won the values-oriented voters.
Romney won the tax-cutting voters.

Now I won't say, "My friends" with the sarcasm displayed by John McCain yesterday, but I will say, Fellow Americans - Mitt Romney has the poise, the leadership, and the tempered demeanor to be a President and Commander in Chief. John McCain displays the one style old "bossing people around" leadership practice (I'll be posting more about that soon) while Mitt Romney represents the new adaptive participative leadership style. I can tell you that Mitt Romney will get more done in Washington than John McCain has in his 22+ years in the Senate!!!

Rally to Romney, the Ronald Reagan of our time.

You can find out more about Mitt Romney by learning about his positions: Check out this book that summarizes Romney's positions.


Editor said...

Mitt Romney's so unlike Reagan that he's lucky they didn't make him buy a ticket to get into the Reagan Library last night.

For a more fair and balanced look at Romney, you should read

Moose and Squirrel said...

Why don't you stay in your own backyard -- you know, with the other pigs. Hate Romney on your own turf. Don't muddy up ours.

Fleeting_Thoughts said...

Moose and squirrel I actually welcome all debates, I moderate my comments for swearing, but that's it.

speedzzter makes a point that in the profession that Romney chose, he faced a lot of tough decisions. Romney did not gleefully fire people as speedzzter suggests. These all are careful business decisions that require analysis and thought. Economic conservatives recognize that big government places a burden on business. Thus businesses find it hard to compete in America and oftimes outsource their work (although recent studies suggest wage inflation in India is beginning to dampen the outsource effect there for software engineers). Those companies the Romney worked on would have gone bankrupt and everyone would have lost their jobs. Job cuts are part of the business cycle, no denying that.

Now speedzzter does make some false claims about Romney hiring illegal immigrants to do his landscaping. Romney really hired a legal company to do the landscaping; but it turned out the legal company hired illegal immigrants. Romney made a good point in a debate with Giulianni on this very idea. Who wants to live in an America where we ask everybody that looks differnet or has an accent to show their papers - that sounds too much like a police state.

Anyway, bottom line is I welcome the debates.

Moose and Squirrel said...

Debate is one thing. But if you knew Speedzzter the way the other RCP posters know him (or her), you'd realize he is a blatant, unabashed uber-Romney hater and has held back no four-letter words and disgusting phrases from his blogs in an effort to sink Mitt. But, like you said: It's your blog. Good luck.

Fleeting_Thoughts said...

Thanks for the heads up. I guess I will see what happens. It's interesting to me to see how much intolerance the USA still has. I have been astonished at the vehemence of the uber-Romney haters, as you say. Can a hater really make a good President?

Moose and Squirrel said...

Fleeting -
In the USA, anything is possible. Look at John McCain: he is living proof of a Romney hater, in the way he boldly and without shame lies on national TV about the timetable issue (a dead issue, BTW), and McCain deliberately misquoted what Mitt had said. And McCain is proud of deception. He actually believes what he's saying is the truth. It's amazing; it's disturbing.

Fleeting_Thoughts said...

McCain looked really sour last night. So smug all the time. He also had some really skinny chicken legs under that table. He looked so small next to Romney.

Romney isn't familiar with the Washington speak (don't use the english word "timetable" because that's the watch word for withdrawal). Come on McCain, Romney comes from the business world, where timetable means a Ghant Chart. That is a way to measure what is going on, not a set date to withdraw.

I like the idea of a business man in Washington that doesn't know the Washington speak. People would have to start talking straight. Both McCain and Huckabee are too enmeshed in poltical back doors. Romney is a leader and can direct project completion (unlike McCain who's bills are lame and still unfinished).

Fleeting_Thoughts said...

Just found the picture - hilarious!

Moose and Squirrel said...

Re the picture: ROFLAMO !!!!!!!

Moose and Squirrel said...

Re last night's debate - I agree with you 100%. If McCain took the evening, it's for one reason only: an overwhelming plurality of moderate and independent votes. It reminds of when Huckabee was on that incredible roll. He felt almost supernatural, and then reality bit him in the buns. I'm hoping the same reality bites McCain. BTW - Schwarzenegger endorsing McCain is the same as Britney endorsing Paris.

Nathan Wilkerson said...

I thought this blog was open to debate unlike mine (according to you that is). I commented, and guess what, it didn't appear. I do support Huckabee's tax policy, environmental policies, immigration policies, as well as his Pro-Life position. And he didn't need a professor from Harvard to convince Him! speedzzter is right, Romney's not a bit like Reagan. Reagan stood on principles when he was Governor just like he did as President. He didn't change his message to fit whatever audience he happened to be speaking to at the time. If Huckabee is doing to Romney what I accused Fred Thompson of doing to him in South Carolina, PRAISE GOD!!! Tennessee has never voted for a politician from Massachusetts, including JFK. And I don't see us starting now!

Fleeting_Thoughts said...

Tennessee, you vote for McCain then.

You need to do a little more Reagan Research. Even Reagan made a mistake about abortion.

But he signed it into law. Reagan was disturbed by his decision, however, and continued to think long and hard about abortion. The bill, according to Lou Cannon in Governor Reagan, "permitted more legal abortions in California than occurred in any other state before the advent of Roe v. Wade."

By 1980, Reagan had changed his mind and become a firm opponent of abortion. He insisted on a pro-life plank in the Republican platform for the first time. In 1983, he published a passionate pro-life essay, Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation. It turned out that signing the abortion bill in 1967 was the only political mistake that Reagan ever admitted.

Romney has done the same, admitting he was wrong and he is now firmly Pro-Life.

Moose and Squirrel said...

I think Tennessee is Speedzzter in disguise: deaf and blind, and donkey-stubborn to historical facts.