Presidential Debate January 30, 2008 Reagan Library

Presidential Debate January 30, 2008 Reagan Library

Here are my notes from the debate; I missed the first half hour.

They are all Federalists, in other words they think each state has the freedom to experiment. (McCain looks like a small man sitting next to Romney)

Huckabee on the Economy: Question about using money for highways sounds like a Democratic plan. Again mentioned parents not getting home to soccer games (as if that is a government concern).

Romney disses the Big Dig in MA. (I bet MA residents liked that.)

Ron Paul doesn't like the idea of borrowing money from China. (I agree, however, Market Place talked about the reliance between China and the US on borrowing)

McCain asked a question about the economy. (Twirling his pen, is he nervous about this question?) Blah, blah, blah, one page mortgage paper, fix rating system. (Yeah right.)

(It's interesting to me that Romney always pays attention to the others as they speak. McCain on the other hand looks like an arrogant, smug jerk.)

McCain asked about opposing the tax cuts originally because they favored the rich. Now he has flip flopped and claims it was because of spending. (So much for Straight Talk Express, what a joke.)

Romney asked about economy. I doubt many people understood this comment, but it actually makes a lot of sense. Romney explains McCain's ideas about stopping spending are basically nickel and dimes. The US economy spends 60% of the money on entitlement programs like Medicare and Medicaid, 20% on the military, and 20% is discretionary spending. The biggest impact we can have is by tackling the 60% spending on entitlement programs. (That makes so much sense! Romney is definitely a smart man.)

Huckabee says he will have a fence built within 18 months.

Romney on immigration. No amnesty, no special path way to citizenship. Illegal immigration those recently arrived head home; kid in school? give them time to finish school then head on home; others with commitments, give them time then have them gather up their belongings and head on home to get in line. Prolegal immigration, they are a valuable source of vitality for America. (Lots of applause)

McCain on border security, would he vote for his bill if it came to the senate floor. POLITICAL SPEAK McCain dodged the question. Flip flopper McCain - either his original idea was stupid, or he has changed his position. Then he talks using "we" instead of standing up for his stupid idea and admitting guilt. What a flip flopper. "We are all committed" McCain says. What a joke, Straight Talk Express plunges off the tracks and blows up in the valley.

Huckabee mentioned about everyone being equal. He mentioned fetuses, humans, but left out religion. He lost an opportunity to appease some fears about him. He also dodges every question presented to him. "I am not going to say anything about Reagan."

Everybody was basically the same on Judges - EXCEPT McCain who talked about all the favors he owes to his "good" friend O'Conner. This guy is a political snake.

Romney Question did George Bush destroy the Republican Party? I think the party is better off. I blame Washington, they overspent, and they didn't keep their promises. (Note McCain rubs his hands with a weasely look on his face as Romney talks about the military). Romney is appealing to Social, Economic, and Family Value conservatives.

Back and forth about the Timetables.
McCain comment about timetables. He smirks and looks self righteous.

Romney I have never supported time tables for withdrawal. McCain smirks again. (Well excuse Romney for not knowing your Washington speak! McCain is looking like a freaking jerk! He is bumbling his words and sounds a bit crazy, "If we had lain in the weeds until they had gone." What the hey? McCain is babbling.)

McCain says, "Of course, he said their should be a withdrawal." "I'm the expert on what you said." (McCain is an arrogant son of a gun. He's flip flopping and incoherent, not only that McCain is smiling like a village idiot. Just like someone that can't solve problems, McCain blasts out three quick attacks on Romney. Straight Talk Express slams off the bridge and plunges hundreds of feet into the raging river.)

Romney says McCain is Washington style old politics (I'll be posting my old leadership style verse new leadership style essay soon.) I loved Romney's comment, "[McCain] you got three Pinocchio for your mischaracterization from the Washington Post".

(I've got to take a break and shout McCain is a freaking smug guy!)

McCain - attacks Romney again about his success. "My friend, Huckabee will agree with me about your money.”Vote for me McCain, I want 100 years in Iraq!"

Paul puts McCain and Romney in the same boat with respect to Iraq. They both want to get the job done there.

Huckabee If Iraq fails it will create a vacuum there that could be used by Al Qaeda.

McCain "Protecting America's interest it’s not about casualties." Huh? McCain claims he came up with the Petraeus strategy. (What an egomaniac.)

Huckabee "I look at the actions rather than what they are saying."

Romney There are four major strategies in the world today: 1. Those countries that control energy like Russia, 2. China communism and a wild west free enterprise, 3. Al Qaeda, 4. Free enterprise and free individuals the USA.

McCain on leadership and management. I know how to lead, vision knowledge, background. 20 years on security committees (doesn't this mean that McCain is partially to blame for 9/11 - he sucks at making good security measures)

Romney McCain would not be good for the economy. Governors are leaders. Legislators are committee members. Leaders are small business, middle sized business - they are leaders not just managers. Govern in charge of National Guard and state police.

Romney the problems facing a commander of chief does not require service in the military. Foreign policy and military is no longer like a checkers game, it is more like three dimensional chess. McCain thinks its checkers. Romney has the capacity to think in the manner of chess.

McCain Starts with what looks like a compliment then turns it into a dig against Romney (McCain is such a double talking politician. The Straight Talk Express drives off the end of the tracks and explodes.) McCain says he hopes people will judge him by those that have endorsed him (that would be liberal newspapers and a cross dressing Rudy).

Huckabee political speak genius. Agrees with Romney that a governor is a better leader than a senator.

Romney thinks Reagan would support him.

McCain hits at Romney with his first statement again (what a loser, he looks like an angry little man)

Paul kind of impressive talk there. Liked the gold standard.

Huckabee just called the other candidates arrogant and presumptuous for thinking Reagan would support any of them. (What a politician, the guy is just like McCain - political speak champions)

At the end I noticed two things about the cameras:
1. Huckabee's wife is as tall as Arnold
2. Little camera time given to Romney, mostly on Huckabee and McCain.

Concluding thoughts: I am ticked off at McCain! The straight talk express is a bunch of garbage. John McCain showed himself to be a pig headed jerk. Digging Romney at every comment. What a smug jerk.


Nathan Wilkerson said...

You like to call names and make unsubstantiated claims in an attempt to pump up Romney. He needs all the help he can get. The truly arrogant one on the stage last night was Mitt. He rolls his eyes at the other candidates and whinces every time he's asked to defend his record. Furthermore, why is it considered Mormon Bashing, when I tell what Mormons truly believe, but it's not Baptist Bashing when you condescendingly refer to Huck as the Ordained Baptist Minister? Just wondering!!! Again, I want to see Mitt win the nomination or the Presidency w/o the South - Tennessean4Huck

Fleeting_Thoughts said...

I would roll my eyes too since the guy couldn't understand the context of what Romney was saying. Romney did not refer to "timetables for withdrawal".

Romney should have said - I did use the word timetable and I was thinking of it in terms of a business Ghant chart.
McCain should have said - I recognize you were not talking about withdrawal.

Politically speaking: I am not opposed to you talking about what you believe - but your freaky misrepresentation of what Mormons believe is Mormon Bashing. Huckabee as a Presidential Candidate has positioned himself as the antithesis to Mitt Romney and has used his religion as part of the lever. From a political perspective I think that is unfair. (I'll write a blog about this later.)

On a religious note: I think Huckabee has represented his religion well. He lives a pretty good life and he and his family believe in Jesus. I respect him for that.

Back to Politics: It is the use of his religion as a political tool that makes me uneasy. Huckabee, and you for that matter, have expressed intolerance for the religion of others – how can Huckabee represent America if he doesn’t allow people to worship where, who, or what they may?

Drewtwo said...

I am not a Romney supporter, and even I find your comments abrasive and unreasonable.

I frankly question Tennessean, what you really know or understand about Mormonism. Frankly, it is baseless and juvenile to bash a candidate based upon religious principles. Bash Romney if you want on his political stances, or on his platform, but you need to lay off the religous comments and stick to the real issues at hand.

Huckabee has reversed his position on different issues in his political career, and I challenge you to find any politician that hasn't. In order to survive in a political world, it is necessary to adapt, and to assume that Romney is particularly a flip-flopper is ridiculuous. John McCain has flipped back and forth on so many issues that I can't even remember what his current stance is on anything.

I don't care if you like Mike Huckabee for President, if you like his tax reform ideas or whatever else. Promote your candidate based on his real world qualifications, and leave the religion out of it, as Huckabee should have in the very beginning.

Editor said...

Huck's highways sounds like a Democrat plan?

I guess that means that Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower (the 34th President of the U.S. and member of the GOP) wasn't a Republican because he championed the building of our modern Interstate highway system?

It's amazing how few Republicans can pass the current litmus tests. Even Reagan probably couldn't.

Fleeting_Thoughts said...

Huck's highway plan sounds like a democratic plan?

That was what the moderator said.

It's funny that we have so many litmus tests. From my own experience, I relate the most with Romney. I am an MBA/MHA student and as I am going through all of my classes, I can see how a highly skilled and trained business leader could really benefit our nation. Great business leaders with innovative ideas are what propel our nation forward. And individual freedom to worship, granted to all, without bias and bigotry add to the tapestry of problem solving. Government handouts do not.