McCain gets Endorsement from the New York Times

The New York Times editorial board just endorsed John McCain for the Republican candidate. Now one would usually suppose this to be a great honor. However, in this cause it is a slap in the face to McCain and to anyone who considers McCain a conservative. Why do I say this?
The New York Times editorial board uses words like "enthusiastically", "strongly", and "exhilarating" to describe the Democrats. Because the New York Times is "hugely impressed" by Hillary Clinton, they have endorsed her as the Democratic nominee. The New York Times is a liberal publication, you can tell just by reading the Democratic and Republican endorsements.

Looking over the Republican candidates the New York Times states in the first sentence, "We have strong disagreements with all the Republicans running for president." Yet the choice is "easy", John McCain because of his liberal appeal.

No wonder McCain hasn't been winning with the Republicans in any state thus far, he's closer to the Democrats than his own party.

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