Disgusted with Huckabee - A DARK CAMPAIGN

The following comments come from one campaign's leaders. What a hypocrite Huckabee is!

  • “We are going to see if we can’t take Romney out,” Mr. Rollins said.
  • "Romney running 'dishonest' campaign." Huckabee said.
  • I don't round house kick, I “just like to choke those guys out.” Norris said.
  • “We’re going to see if we can’t take Romney out. We like John. Nobody likes Romney.”Mr. Rollins said.
Mike Huckabee is the smiley face for a dark campaign: While he claims to be a noble christian he allows his bull headed campaign manager Rollins and side kick Norris to give out personal attacks against Romney. Huckabee is a slick talking snake - BEWARE, he will not represent the American people.

I still find it interesting that Huckabee never has his family in the media. I didn't even know his family was in Iowa - wasn't one arrested recently? I also found it interested that when Huckabee gave his "I won Iowa speech", it wasn't his wife or his sons that stood behind him, it was CHUCK NORRIS and Chuck's wife! Whenever Chuck opened his mouth I had to turn down the color on my TV, that guy has teeth whiter than #FFFFFF in HTML!!!!!! It is nice to hear his family is second or third when it comes to supporters. Put on your sunglasses to watch this one.

Another thing that bugs me about Huckabee is as he said today, "If I come in fourth or fifth in New Hampshire I'll be just fine." Hello, Huckabee there are only four or five candidates in the race!

Romney is the better candidate.

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