Flip Flopping John McCain, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney

According to the Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms, the idiom flip-flopping means a complete change especially from one decision or opinion to another.

It should be recognized by everyone that all of the candidates have flip-flopped on many things. McCain saying his Amnesty bill was not Amnesty, Huckabee said he would pay tuition for illegals, but now his illegal bill is so Chuck "McCain is too old to be President" Norris tough that the illegals will go home with their children so Huckabee won't have to pay their tuition. And of course, Mitt Romney changed his position from status quo on ProLife issues to a strong position for Pro-Life issues and once he made the decision, he has come down on the side of Pro-Life issues every time. If every candidate has changed their position on things, why is it that Mitt Romney seems to be singled out by the main stream media as a flip-flopper.

When I browse CNN, Fox News, CBS, ABC, Telemundo, Reuters, Christian Science Monitor, New York Times, LA Times, and others they seem to be pushing this idea that only Mitt Romney has changed his positions. Additionally, if you look at comments posted by Huckabee supporters, McCain supporters, etc, they label Mitt Romney in some cases a flip-flopper.

New research done by Vanderbilt University explains why Romney's flip-flopper label sticks. Political scientists say anti-Mormon bias finds cover in the term flip-flopper. The research project was set up to uncover the real issue behind individuals comments about Romney. The poll states, "We find that of those who accuse Romney of flip-flopping, many admit it is Romney's Mormonism and not his flip-flopping that is the real issue." This poll indicated this pattern of calling Romney a flip-flopper is especially strong for conservative Evangelicals.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I propose that Romney's convincing win in Nevada shows that Mitt Romney appeals to Family conservatives, Economic conservatives, and Defense conservatives. More over, Mitt Romney appeals to Educated Evangelicals living in the same areas as Mormons. The nation can take a collective sigh of relief - Mitt Romney is supported by evangelical Christians that know Mormons best. Those in Nevada.

Seriously consider your candidate - Mitt Romney, if he weren't Mormon, would have won this contest months ago. Romney is a great candidate and his religion has nothing to do with his skill set, his honors during his education, and his drive to make America better not only for himself but also for us and our children. As an economic conservative, I endorse Mitt Romney for President - I love the idea of a successful self-made business man going to Washington and shaking things up. Romney is a highly trained manager who sets deadlines, holds meetings to set realistic goals, and then inspires his team to exceed expectations. If you like the idea of optimizing government, running the government as a break-even business, and bringing together both democrats and republicans in businesslike negotiation meetings - THEN MITT ROMNEY IS YOUR CANDIDATE. Mitt Romney is the choice of Republicans in Nevada and Michigan.

Mitt '08


Rocky Hulse said...

You are missing the point with Mitt. A fully documented new book "When Salt Lake City Calls" provides hard evidence that all Mormons, as a requirement of membership in the Mormon Church, must swear oaths and make covenants of absolute obedience and allegiance to the Mormon Church itself, and their living male hierarchy, the "Priesthood." These oaths and covenants take precedence over everything else; therefore, a Mormon, by doctrinal requirement to Mormonism, cannot represent "We the People." Any oath a Mormon may swear for elected office is secondary to the oaths already sworn to the Mormon Church. "When Salt Lake City Calls" is a must read for those who wish to be politically informed.

Fleeting_Thoughts said...

Rocky, you're great!

I see you subscribe to the thoughtless "Mormons are Sheep" line. If Mormons are blind sheep, then how do you reconcile their Church's public statement that elected officials that happen to be Latter Day Saints make their own choices and do their best to represent the constituency that elected them? Wouldn't everyone be able to call the Mormon Church bad names if they went against a PUBLIC statement on political neutrality?

You can use your Church and your Church directory for telling people how to vote, but Mormon policy does not allow their buildings or directories to be used for any political purpose.

Romney can represent "We the People" better than Huckabee (I'm a better Christian than others) or McCain (can't even represent the state that elected him on immigration).

Read about Political Neutrality here: http://fleetingthoughtsonmormons.blogspot.com/2007/12/frequently-asked-questions.html