Evangelicals for Huckabee

I have read many comments online referring to people voting for Huckabee "because my pastor told me so". I really didn't believe people would do such a thing. But to my disbelief Mr. John Sansoterra, a small business owner and a member of a the First Baptist Church in sterling heights is doing just that. In his interview he said, "Granted the temptation is there on what could help me economically what could maybe better, but for us the social comes first."

Sansoterra likes Romney's plan to help the auto industry and he also likes Giuliani's plan to lower corporate taxes. Yet these two plans that would help him better support his family, his church, and his community are framed by Huckabee and his pastor as "temptations". And are therefore votes that will be deemed as "sin" if cast. I guess there is a reason why the Christian Science Monitor calls Mike Huckabee "a conservative with a social gospel".

What does Sansoterra mean by "us"? Instead of voting for his family's future, Sansoterra joins the "us". The announcer mentioned he is voting for a true social conservative. Huckabee isn't really a true social conservative - isn't that Fred Thompson? I think what they meant to say is that he is voting for a true evangelical because his pastor told him so. And evangelicals stick together, even when their candidate has a liberal tax history and raised taxes in his state.

It's a good thing voting is done in the confidential voting booth, where a vote for one's family and future can trump the suggestions of the "us".


Michigan Redneck said...

You mention Sterling Heights, without adding a state. Are you from Michigan?
Am I correct in saying that you were a former Huckabee blogger. Your blog name sounds familiar.
What you have mentioned in your blog post sounds familiar. When I attended the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference last September that was the attitude of the Huck volunteers. They didn't know anything about him, "just that he was a pastor."

Fleeting_Thoughts said...

Hey Michigan Redneck,

I really like your blog. I added in my lastest post about Fred Thompson. Hope you don't mind.

I'm not from Sterling Heights, but I'll be in Chicago in a couple months.

I'll keep checking by, I like the way you talk.