Sharing Some Similarities: Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, and John McCain

I am still debating what I will do for the rest of this political season. It’s been nice to take a break from the constant blogging.

However, I wanted to comment on some of the similarities between Clinton, Obama, and McCain. The Wall Street Journal from February 14, 2008 ran an article titled “Change Seen on Key Issues as Presidential Candidates Agree”. The article listed the common ground between the Democrats and McCain – for conservatives, some of these are issues for which you should prep your form letters.

Common Ground – despite their many differences, John McCain and the two Democrats share similar views on several key issues

  • For global treaty on climate change

  • For cap-and-trade system to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

  • For embryonic stem-cell research

  • For giving illegal immigrants straightforward path to citizenship

  • For closing Guantanamo Bay prison

  • Against waterboarding (I heard a funny comment on NPR today, a lady was discussing the GOP and wondered if McCain had alienated the “pro-waterboarding voting block of the Republican party”)

  • Against elimination of the estate tax

  • For renewed focus on war in Afghanistan

  • For expanded veterans’ health benefits

Barak Obama also released his economic plan at a cost of $140 billion per year; to be funded by ending the war in Iraq, closing corporate tax loopholes and allowing many of President Bush’s signature tax cuts expire in 2010. The WSJ said, “Mr. Obama’s plan revealed an economic worldview in which government must right the wrongs created by a system in which wealth begets access to power, and power, in turn, bestows more riches on the wealthy.”

Obama at the Top, so what?

I’ve always struggled with the idea that government’s purpose is to redistribute wealth. The nation would be a better place in my opinion if neighbors would turn off WOW and take a little kindness over to their neighbor. Nothing against WOW, but as a population we sure are stuck inside our houses.


Nathan Wilkerson said...

I heard a caller on the Rush Limbaugh show the other day compare the current state of the GOP to that of the Conservative Party in Canada a few years back. That party had gotten increasingly liberal until the true conservatives got fed up and began to form 3rd parties. This took a few years to take hold, but it actually helped purge the party of the liberals and now they have rebuilt their party in a conservative manner. They still haven't gotten back the Quebec conservatives who have formed a secessionist bloc in Quebec and probably won't, but they did elect a conservative Plurality to the Parliament. Perhaps we need to look at forming a 3rd Party based on Reagan principles of lower taxes, limited government, strong national defense and moral values; instead of the Bush borrow and spend pseudo-conservative ideals that are ruining our party now. I would hate to see Hillary or O'bama get elected, but if it takes that to wake us up, maybe that's what we need! It would probably take 3 or 4 election cycles to gain traction, but it could be done. Just a thought. I don't know if I can support McCain. We don't need anymore global treaties that reduce America's Sovereignty. That's what Kyoto would do.

Fleeting_Thoughts said...

I hear you on that. However, I am not sure a third party candidate this go around will work. Especially when Obama is doubling the turn out by all the Republicans combined. I think if a Republican is going to win this time we will all need to coalesce behind one candidate.

If we split the vote between McCain and a Reagan third party then it will be a Dem for sure. McCain agrees with embryonic stem cell research, but he is strongly anti-abortion. If the Dems win in November then we will lose even the anti-abortion edge offered by McCain.

I know what you mean about McCain though - tough decisions ahead.

Nathan Wilkerson said...

I understand what you're saying, but sometimes you have to lose a battle in order to win the greater war. The Canadian Conservatives had to lose several election cycles to liberals in order to finally win with a party they could believe in. I'm not sure I'm ready to make the jump either, but if you keep getting Democrat light with the GOP, maybe it's time to do something about it. The power mongers in Washington won't stick around if they have no power. Just something to think about.