Ron Paul Bids Presidential - Loses His Job Back Home?

Will Ron Paul lose his Senate seat? I was surprised to read this article on ABC News about Ron Paul. The article was titled: Paul's Revolution: National Buzz, Lost Job?

I hadn't ever considered the consequences of running a national campaign. Here are three paragraphs that sum it up.
On the campaign trail for president, however, [the candidates] can
raise their profile from local pol to national voice. They can raise millions,
draw crowds, rally the base, needle the front-runners, and maybe, just maybe,
start a movement or at least force a dialogue.
But beware members of Congress: Stepping onto the national stage can have
serious consequences on the soapbox back home.
"I do think the presidential race has exposed some of his values and
principles that are not in line with his district, and that exposure has done
him harm at home," Republican primary challenger Chris Peden said of Paul.

1 comment:

Nathan Wilkerson said...

I hope that Ron Paul does not lose his Congressional seat back home. While I disagree with him on many of his foreign policy positions, I feel that he is providing a libertarian and strict constitutational constructionist voice in the GOP that is missing from the Upper Echelon of Party Elites. I wish him the best. In some ways, I wish he'd run 3rd Party. If it's McCain vs. O'bama, I don't know that I can vote for McCain, I could probably vote for Ron Paul quicker than I could McCain, even though my ideal candidate is Huckabee. Anyway, keep up the good work in keeping people informed with what is going on in the GOP.