McCain endorses Romney to New Hampshire caucus attendees

New Hampshire faces a tough choice for President. Since Huckabee isn't competing and Giuliani has already moved on to Florida, while Thompson isn't feeling ambitious enough to run for President - the GOP race in New Hampshire is left to McCain and Romney.

McCain just showed an ad touting his support by a variety of newspapers, and yet, an ad could be shown of McCain backing Romney.

Since McCain has endorsed Romney and Romney has endorsed McCain before they were running for President, perhaps the question for caucus attendees in New Hampshire boils down to this: For whom are you really voting - age may be the only differentiating factor?
A vote for McCain is a vote for McCain and perhaps his Vice President (whom he hasn't yet announced)
A vote for Romney is a vote for Romney

Both are men of their word (as far as political promises go). Experience cannot be the issue as either Romney has risen rapidly, or McCain has risen slowly. Regardless of whom you select, Oh, New Hampshire caucus attendees, both are excellent men, but it was McCain who endorsed Romney for Governor.

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