Mitt Romney is the hope for the economy! Economists estimate 80% of jobs in 20 years haven't been thought of yet. I believe Mitt Romney can position America to take advantage of those jobs. Mitt Romney's economic policies are smart for my family and yours.
Politicians from both parties in Washington, D.C. have spent too much money. Overspending has led to deficits and national debt. Pork barrel spending and out of control earmarking, leads to a culture of corruption in Washington. Worldwide competition in markets. Education and housing crunch.
Bring Fiscal Discipline And Strong Management
Establish Strict Spending Limits. Veto domestic nondefense discretionary appropriations that increase spending by more than inflation minus one percent.
Conduct Stem-To-Stern Review. Re-examine and evaluate all federal spending programs to identify waste, duplication, and inefficiencies that can be eliminated.
Reform Entitlements. In a forthright and bipartisan manner, as President, Governor Romney will work with Congress to address the looming budget crisis caused by increasing entitlement spending.
Institute The Line-Item Veto. Give the President the same power held by most state governors, to veto individual elements of a spending bill and strip out unnecessary spending.
Give President Flexibility. Authorize the Executive Branch to spend up to 25 percent less than Congress appropriates for a given project or agency.
Restore Supermajority Requirement. Impose congressional rule requiring a three-fifths (60%) supermajority to pass any law that would raise taxes. (I love the idea of this one.)

Improve America's Global Competitiveness
Lower The Corporate Tax Rate. This attracts new companies and encourages investment in the US. The chart on the right shows that businesses can locate in other countries because it is cheaper.
Strengthen Education. Ensure American workers have the knowledge and skills to compete in the 21st century economy.
Improve Worker Retraining. Make federal programs better to retrain workers to help them find jobs in the ever changing economy.
Reform Our Immigration Laws. End illegal immigration, but encourage legal immigration.
Unleash The American Economy
Lower Taxes For All. This helps you keep your money and spend it on those things you need.
Zero Rate On Middle Class Savings. Eliminate all taxes on interest, dividends, and capital gains for anyone with Adjusted Gross Income under $200,000 to make it easier for the middle class to save. (I LOVE THIS ONE)
Make The Bush Tax Cuts Permanent. This allows more money in the hands of American innovators and small business companies. We can make up the federal debt by increasing our businesses.
Eliminate The Death Tax. The death tax can take around 40% of the assests from your children when you die. Getting rid of this will let your family keep your hard earned home and savings.
Provide Regulatory Relief. Make it easier for small businesses start up and get going.
Implement National Tort Reform. End excessive lawsuits and damages that hold America back from getting good things done.
Build And Repair Transportation Infrastructure. Build good roads and bridges that encourage the movement of goods for sale. Eliminate pet projects, like bridges to no where. As an economist, Mitt will find those easily.
For more information visit Mitt Romney's website by clicking here.
Video: Mitt Romney the compasionate conservative
Either Mitt Romney has risen rapidly politically, or John McCain has risen slowly. Kansas voters, McCain endorses Romney. McCain said: Mitt Romney is 'a man of honesty and integrity. A man prepared to serve... a man of unimpeachable integrity and honesty... he could do a lot of things, yet this man has willingly stepped forward... [he is] somebody the young can look up to and admire.'
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