Failed Mike Huckabee Presidential Bid? What now?

Turns out Mike Huckabee is earning money - while a Presidential Candidate - by speaking at churches. Yes, he does have the gift of gab and the ability to counter questions with a glib metaphor or hint at a simile that makes sense to his base. However, I don't think it's Presidential to go around taking money from the collection plate, wouldn't that money do more for the poor?

Anyway, I read this comment posted by a Byron Travel and thought I would post it.
"If the Presidential thing does not work out for the Huckster , maybe he [should] get in to religious workout tapes? The Baptists have got to be just as overweight as the rest of us? Huck sounds a little bit like Richard Simmons. How does he look in shorts? $25,000 per speech might be just chump change?"

Now I don't care who you are, that's funny!!!

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